
How to Cite a PowerPoint in APA: A Comprehensive Guide

How to Cite a PowerPoint in APA

How to Cite a PowerPoint in APA

In the modern academic and business environment, presentation activities play a leading role in sharing information. Business presentations are a tool that is utilized to present information about several issues in the form of slides. Still, whenever you use content from these presentations in your projects, you have to cite your sources properly. This is where knowing how to cite a PowerPoint in APA format comes in handy.

How to Cite a PowerPoint in APA

In this article, you will learn how to refer to a PowerPoint presentation in APA format. I will guide you on different types of presentations live, overhead, or power point, and offer the means you will need to ensure you have the correct citation. When you complete this guide, you will be knowledgeable on how to correctly attribute PowerPoint sources in your academic or business writing.

APA Citation Primer and its use

Before we go further into the details of how to cite a PowerPoint in APA, it will be pertinent first to discuss the basics of APA citation style. Scientific research involving the social sciences and various other disciplines uses APA as a standard means of acknowledging sources. While summarized, the basic elements of an APA citation usually encompass the author’s name, the date of publication, the title of the work in question, and source information.

In using the slides of a PowerPoint presentation, reference can be in a number of ways, especially if you attended the presentation physically or if you just got the PowerPoint from the internet. However, the core principles remain the same: do not give your readers enough information to enable them to go to the source and look for themselves.

Ways of Referencing a PowerPoint Presentation that You Discussed in Person

If you saw a PowerPoint presentation, there is a particular format to cite it. Here’s how to cite a PowerPoint in APA for an in-person presentation:

  1. The citation should be preceded by the letters between the presenter’s last name and the first initial for the first letter.
  2. Format the utilization of these papers with the year of the presentation in parenthesis.
  3. Insert the title of the PowerPoint presentation in italics.
  4. Make sure that the reader understands that it was a PowerPoint presentation by putting [PowerPoint] around the description in square brackets.
  5. Conclude the presentation with the name and the place of the occasion where the presentation was given.


Smith, J. (2023). Renewable energy the future [PowerPoint presentation]. Annual Energy Conference, New York, NY, USA.

How to Cite a PowerPoint Presentation Available Online

If you’re wondering how to cite a PowerPoint in apa that you found on the internet, the process is slightly different:

  1. First, use the author’s last name and the initial of his or her first name.
  2. The year of publication is mentioned in parentheses.
  3. Using title case, type the name of the PPT presentation while underlining it.
  4. Include [more insert PowerPoint slides] in square brackets after the title.
  5. It will also be useful to mention the name of the website from which you borrowed the slides.
  6. Finish it with the URL of the PowerPoint.


Johnson, A. (2024). >Immersive technologies: Development and introduction *AI: Embarking on an exciting journey* [PowerPoint slides]. SlideShare. https:>//www.slideshare.net/example/ai-advancements

Citations within PowerPoint Slides

As with the creation of the reference list entry, how to cite a PowerPoint in apa within your text is just as crucial. To create in-text citations, you will normally use the author’s last name and presentation year.

Contemporary research has revealed considerable growth in the use of renewable power sources (Smith, 2023).

If you’re directly quoting from the PowerPoint, include the slide number as well:

The capacity of solar energy sources has grown by eighty percent in the last five years (Smith, 2023, http://example.pptx, p. 7).

Issues to Consider When Creating a Citation for PowerPoints

As you learn how to cite a PowerPoint in apa, keep in mind these special scenarios:

Multiple Authors:

In case of multiple authors, use up to 20 authors’ names in the reference section of the presentation. If there are more than twenty authors, the first nineteen should be mentioned, then the symbol… and the last author.

No Author:

If there is no author mentioned, the first benefiting element is the title of the presentation, then the date of presentation.

No Date:

If no date is given, put “n.d.” in the place of the year.

Unpublished PowerPoint:

If the PowerPoint has not been uploaded on any website, then it should be considered and used as a personal communication; hence, there is no listing in the reference list, but it is used in the body of the work.

This topic covers proper citation, which is a very important topic in academic writing.

Ironically, I never really thought about understanding how to cite a PowerPoint in apa as more than knowing the rules. It is just about proper academic conduct and rendering credits to the users of the information being used. Proper citation:

  1. Avoids plagiarism
  2. Permits readers to cross-check on certain information.
  3. Refers to the original authors as credit for the information provided.
  4. Depicts versatility in your search
When you learn how to properly use the citation of PowerPoints, what you are doing is making yourself an expert writer. Besides your scholarly work, you are taking the right and professional steps towards being a scholarly writer. 

Conclusion about How to Cite a PowerPoint in APA

Learning how to cite a PowerPoint in apa format is a very crucial skill every student, researcher, and professional should master. Whether you are referring to a face-to-face presentation or a slide shown on the web, the goal remains the same give enough details so that the readers can find the specific source all by themselves

How to Cite a PowerPoint in APA

By reading this guide, you will be fully prepared to credit the PowerPoint sources in your work and act as a responsible scholar. Well, let’s carry on with it, and one day you will not even give it a second thought while citing PowerPoints in APA style.

FAQs about How to Cite a PowerPoint in APA

Is it mandatory to cite a PowerPoint presentation I developed on my own?

Yes, if you use it in your work or even as the source of other information that you borrowed to use in your presentation, then it should be cited. They do not take long, so you should look into it and treat it as any other source, using your name as the author of it.

So now that you have downloaded the PowerPoint to your computer, the format of the presentation does not contain slide numbers.

It is only necessary to include the number of the slide if the PowerPoint has been numbered; if the slide numbers are missing, then this data does not need to be included in the in-text citations. In this case, open your source by using the name of the author and the year of publishing. When citing the PowerPoint in the references list, do not use the slide numbers as part of the citation.

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